Bringing Timeless Wellness to Every Corner of Your Life.

Made simple.

When your “labs are normal” and you feel anything but— or the workouts and clean eating don’t work like they used to, it’s time to work with your body instead of fighting against it.

If you’ve spent months, years, or even decades (not to mention thousands of dollars) trying everything under the sun—pills, diets, supplements, complicated detox protocols, & more—but still can’t solve your health issues?

My name is Jasmine, and I want to help you understand your health or the health of your clients from an integrative, quantum perspective.

Why? Because in spite of all the complex information you've been told, human health is actually built on a foundation of four simple things and I am here to teach you just that.

What one of my clients said & tagged me in her health journey 🥲

“Realizing I turned my complete life around in just 5 months. Lifestyle and nutrition is everything and Jassy did everything to ensure I wouldn’t have to remove my gallbladder. You changed my life. Seeing this results have been the best moment. I remember crying the day I took my “before photo” but now I am so proud of who I have become today. Being a busy business owner isn’t my excuse anymore. I will continue to put my health first so I can be the best possible version of myself. ”

— Caroline L.

We have lost our connection with food & trust in our bodies.

We have jumped from fad diet to fad diet, only to “fail” them when our will-power gave out.

We have cut one food after another thinking that dairy or carbs must be the issue.

We have fought our own God-given instincts and biology.

We have made health + wellness COMPLICATED.

The aftermath?

Fatigue. Stress. Irritability. PMS. Hair loss. Hormone imbalance. Low libido. Thyroid disorders. Autoimmune conditions. Sleep issues. Loss of appetite. Digestion issues. Mineral depletion. Food sensitivities. Inability to gain or lose weight. Food fear.

Remember those early years when you didn’t think so much about what went into the body?

You weren't preoccupied with thoughts about your weight, & you ate what you craved.

What happened to that freedom?


Let’s bring it another layer deeper..

Illusions of health. Diet culture. Soil depletion. Pharmaceuticals. Stress. Estrogen dominance. Toxic load. Moving further & further away from our original design, organic God-given design if you will.

We've been told to just eat less & exercise more to fight our "inevitable" slowing metabolisms and “rapid aging”.

We've been told to try "this detox tea" or "that diet" to address our symptoms.

What if you could see food as nourishment again?

What if you could feed your body nutrient-dense, delicious food that you love?

What if you could finally learn to eat in a way that’s sustainable for life?

What if you could prioritize your health over an unrealistic number in the scale?

What if you could finally reach your body's healthiest weight?

What if you learned how to listen to, honor, and trust your body again?

What if you could reclaim your youthful energy, freedom, & vitality?

What if your normal state of being could be calm, cool, & resistant to life's stressors?

What if you could set the strongest possible foundation for your overall health to thrive?

What if you could finally shift from how you look to how you feel?


Functional Nutrition The Health Institute

Quantum Biology

Integrative Medicine

As someone who has struggled with health issues myself, I know how challenging it can be to navigate the overwhelming traditional medical system with no results, endless health advice online and latest labels to stay up to date on.

I specialize in teaching individuals how to retrain and remember the electric and harmony of their bodies and incorporate proper nutrition and relationships with food to look and feel their absolute best.

But we’ll go beyond addressing just your food; we’ll take a deep dive into understanding how healing your natural relationship with your surroundings can help you heal your entire body!

If you’re tired of pushing yourself to the max, extreme diets, expensive doctors visits, exhaustive testing, and innumerable supplements - I feel you! My science-based programs are here to help you think outside of the allopathic medicine box to regulate your hormones, sleep, energy mood and empower your optimal health.

We’ll look at how you shift on a daily, monthly, seasonally, and yearly basis so you can tailor your program for your personal harmony of what we call life.

How does the Wellness Toolkit with Coaching work?

  • join us confirmation:)

  • a form to give me more details on where you are on your health journey

  • We’ll set up a 30 min call to dig deeper into your lifestyle and living

  • Receive a drip of the program in a way that you will feel ease at integrating into your life

  • send me a bi-weekly check in form for any adjustments or questions along the way

1:1 Custom Sacred Design 6 Month Wellness Coaching

This is limited and only available after application and acceptance. This is a 6 month minimum commitment. Fill out the form to the right and a application health intake form will be sent via Email.

Jasmine Russell - Private Sacred Design Health Coaching